Watch the third round of this years motocross championship from Italy. Febvre, Gaijser, Desalle and also Cairoli at the gate.

Watch the first round of this years motocross championship from Italy. Febvre, Gaijser, Desalle and a lot of other heavy…

Watch the third round of the 2019 motocross championship from Italy. Cairoli, Febvre, Gaijser, Nagl and other big names inside….

First race of the year for most MX2 and MXGP riders. Herlings, Cairoli and other heavy hitters inside. 125 class…

Here we have the third race of the Italian championship 2018. Some heavy hitters are already injuried since round 3….

Here we have the second race of the Italian championship 2018. Some heavy hitters are already injuried since round 2….

Watch Toni Cairoli racing the elite class in Ottobiano. Italian Championchip. Very wet track and deep Sand